Ron Schara tackles wild turkeys in Kansas
Kansas Turkey Vet hunt 1 and 2
Wild in the Kitchen Elk Steak Eggs Benedict
MNB Classic: SD Turkey Comback
MNB 938
Minnesota Bound
Watch current and past episodes of Minnesota Bound.
Ron Schara tackles wild turkeys in Kansas
Kansas Turkey Vet hunt 1 and 2
Wild in the Kitchen Elk Steak Eggs Benedict
MNB Classic: SD Turkey Comback
MNB 938
On today's show, a story about the greatest gift we Minnesotans voted to give ourselves.... A gift? Yes, to preserve and restore our wetlands, prairies
MNB 849r
On today's show, we wrestle the story behind some of Minnesota's biggest baits. A business dreamed up by this a Minnesota artist who works by his own hi-tech medium and we help you get started with an old Norwegian form of snowy transportation.
Super Natural Baits
Mixed Media Artist
Getting Started Skijouring
Bell Museum
----- MNB 935
On today's show, time to pack your bags! We head south for spring break! Fly off to far-away destinations. Find out where to get a bit of a tan and a whole lot of bites fishing. Just watch out for those big saltwater critters.
El Salto
Jose Wejebe and the sharks
---------------- MNB 934
Ron Schara, and his trusted black lab, Raven, began sharing stories of the outdoor lifestyle back in 1995. Minnesota Bound is the show that started it all for Ron Schara and he quickly found a passion for putting his words onto the television screen. Today, it remains a trademark program and is now running over 600 episodes strong. We seek characters that have a story to tell. We seek out destinations and find out what makes them special. We share the love of outdoors and those that enjoy it. Yes, it's fishing and hunting, but it's also camping, hiking, canoeing, archery, bird watching, ice climbing and so much more. Minnesota Bound is a fan favorite winning several hundred OWAA awards during its lifespan, including 11 Emmy Awards.
Ron Schara Productions | 1000 Boone Ave. N. Suite #1200, Golden Valley, MN. 55427, United States