We spend time with some of our favorite Minnesota makers of outdoor gear.
Empire Canvas
World Champ Decoy Carver
Dan Cooke
Mel Dickie Rod Maker
(MNB 971r)
Minnesota Bound
Watch current and past episodes of Minnesota Bound.
We spend time with some of our favorite Minnesota makers of outdoor gear.
Empire Canvas
World Champ Decoy Carver
Dan Cooke
Mel Dickie Rod Maker
(MNB 971r)
Ely celebrates snow and cold with a curious evening contest. Plus, winter birds that you can watch in your backyard. And, the infamous get-together that's strictly on ice!
Ely Beard Contest
Winter Birds
Ice Castle Gettogether
MNBC Dancing Squirrels
(MNB 1048)
We visit the Ely Winter Festival and their infamous Beard contest. Plus, a day on the ice with Matt Dumba from Minnesota Wild. And learn how to Get Started Speed Skating with Laura Schara.
Ely Winter Festival 2022
Aces on Ice
Getting Started: Speed Skating
MNBC Tim Treadwell
(MNB 1047)
For the past 20 years, ski races and evening ice castles light up our city lakes each winter all for a good cause. Plus, a small lake town turns into the kickoff for a world-famous dog sled race.
Winter Loppet Festival
Klondike Winter Derby
Secret Bluegills
MNBC Miss Winter Camp Fish Bass
(MNB 1046)
Find out why Minnesota is the ultimate outdoor playground! Plus, an artist sculpts with the passion of an outdoor recycler.
MN Ultimate Outdoor Playground
Crafty Farmer
Bryan Hansel Winter Photography
Shelly's Fly Tying MNBC
(MNB 1009r)
Ron Schara, and his trusted black lab, Raven, began sharing stories of the outdoor lifestyle back in 1995. Minnesota Bound is the show that started it all for Ron Schara and he quickly found a passion for putting his words onto the television screen. Today, it remains a trademark program and is now running over 600 episodes strong. We seek characters that have a story to tell. We seek out destinations and find out what makes them special. We share the love of outdoors and those that enjoy it. Yes, it's fishing and hunting, but it's also camping, hiking, canoeing, archery, bird watching, ice climbing and so much more. Minnesota Bound is a fan favorite winning several hundred OWAA awards during its lifespan, including 11 Emmy Awards.
Ron Schara Productions | 1000 Boone Ave. N. Suite #1200, Golden Valley, MN. 55427, United States