Good Evening, Fellow HatchWatchers!
Or should I say Good Morning as it is already past midnight at the nest. Very long day of work for me here in TinselTown so the blog is very late and I do ask your forgiveness.
The cam was up and down a bit this morning when I glanced at it but it looks like BBC got it all squared away and we have a much smoother picture as a result. Even the dark viewing at night is better and the sound chirps at night have gone away! All thanks to Broadband Corp for keeping the cam in tip-top shape for us!
The morning at the nest started clear and cold again today. Bekka caught Mom just as the sun started hitting the nest.
I took a shot a little while later.
Later in the day Mom gave full voice to her peal call and you could see her breath in the cold air. Dad joined in off screen and later landed on the nest and took over for Mom.
MNBound Eagles Cold Enough to See an Eagle's Breath
Mich989Razzle caught the structure of the right side of the nest during a panning session.
Dad really likes it when he has the nest bowl all warm and cozy. Mom landed to take over and again had to persuade Dad to leave. Some very interesting panning followed after Dad left.
MNBound Eagles Dad Says No, Mom Says Go!
MNVicki provided us with a pic she took at the National Eagle Center in Wabasha, MN of a display of the comparative sizes of avian eggs. The one down in front is actually a hummingbird egg and you can contrast that with the Bald Eagle egg behind it. The brown egg to the left is from a common loon, the Minnesota state bird.
Well, tomorrow (today) is the first day of spring so I will wish all of you a Happy Equinox and close with the hope that these deer find what they are looking for!
Hey Louella! Didja hear Spring starts tomorrow??
Happy Eagle viewing and we’ll see you on the nest!
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to post them below or in the chat room. Also, we'll be updating our official MN Bound LIVE Eagles Facebook Page regularly so you can follow along, like, or share with your friends. We have several site moderators this year to help give optimal information to all that want to learn more about these magnificent birds.