Nest Update March 31, 2013 - Hatchwatch Day 22

Good Evening, Fellow HatchWatchers!

Happy Easter! Hope you all had a wonderful Sunday with family and friends and the Eagles!

Well, this entry marks 30 days of blogs for the nest so far this year. I was a little skeptical when they asked me to do the blog and we all thought it might just be an occasional thing. Wrong again,Talon! It has evolved into a nest newswire for all the happenings on the nest. I can tell you that it has been a blast so far helping all the chatters and everyone else, too, keep up to date with all the doin’s in the cottonwood tree. And I know that it will be a blast for the next however long it takes until we shut down for the year. In case you don’t realize it, it takes the efforts of a lot of people to bring this blog to you every day. The great team at BroadBand Corp who bring us the pictures every day, the wonderful group here at MN Bound, all of our great moderators who grab shots for us and provide great information to the social stream and the classes who visit the nest and Mick989Razzle who records, edits and uploads all of our video clips to Youtube for us. I’d like to ask a favor of all of you. Please take a minute and post a short statement of what you like most about the cam and thank all of the above for all they do for us. You can leave your post at the MN Bound Facebook page, the Eagle chatroom at MN Bound or at the bottom of the cam page on Ustream. I am sure they will appreciate it! 

On to the days doin’s! The morning started with a high overcast and cold. Mom let Dad have the nest for awhile and when she returned he was again reluctant to give up his seat. She then proceeded to dig herself a seat next to him. The mods were surprised by this as none of them had ever seen this type of behavior before! Razzle uploaded a vid of it and it has been sent to an eagle expert for an opinion. These eagles never cease to amaze us.

MNBound Eagles Mom & Dad Sit Side by Side

Later on in the morning Mom decided she would find a place for a stick Dad brought in earlier.

MNBound Eagles The Decision Maker

The rest of the day went well and along about 4pm Mom and Dad both let an intruder know he was too close.

Mom was looking gorgeous in the late afternoon light.

As the sun was setting they again had choir practice and BBC treated us to some Easter panning. A flyby was seen below the nest just after Mom left at about 1:13 into this vid.

MNBound Eagles Great Way to End the Day

Mom resorted to a little “necking” to get dad to give up his seat.

And Gazgeorgia caught and Squirrelmama enhanced the Kirby rays today. 

After sunset they alerted to something and the air was filled with their calls. Another flyby was seen going left to right under the nest during this session and some thought it was Dad or another eagle. Mom sat the nest the whole time and was looking at something above and to her right.

MNBound Eagles Intruder Alert & Fly-Bys

Was the intruder another eagle or was it Dad circling below??

Well it was a busy day in the cottonwood and we look forward to another wonderful day tomorrow.

Happy Eagle viewing and we’ll see you tomorrow on the nest!


If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to post them below or in the chat room.  Also, we'll be updating our official MN Bound LIVE Eagles Facebook Page regularly so you can follow along, like, or share with your friends.  We have several site moderators this year to help give optimal information to all that want to learn more about these magnificent birds.