Nest Update April 3, 2013 - Hatchwatch Day 25

Good Evening, Fellow Nestizens!

The day on the nest started clear cold and windy, typical for a spring day in Minnesota. As the sun rose in height it did warm up some but the wind stayed with us all day. There was some trouble with the feed today so Razzle only had three videos for us today. The cam went down for a short time about 1:30pm and the BBC team got it back up for us quickly. They then gave us an extensive panning session that made up for missing some viewing time. Thanks BBC!

About midday Mom came back to the nest and Dad kept his seat. Mom went into her Oh Yeah?? mode and proceeded to subtly squeeze Dad off the nest.

MNBound Eagles Move It Mister

Some great shots from the panning today. As you can see the snow is nearly melted close to the nest.

Some coots playing in the river.

The backup solar panels and antenna.

The new solar panel below and the dead illuminator at top right.

Later in the day Mom let the wind take her away.

MNBound Eagles Flight Into The Wind

Dad in the late afternoon with the wind blowing up his longjohns.

And the day wouldn’t be complete without a stick delivery!

MNBound Eagles Sticky Situation

Well, that about wraps up another fine spring day at the MN Bound Eagles Nest. Thanks for stopping by and tell all your friends its only 11 days(or so) to Hatchtime!

Hope you had a great day on the nest and we will see you there tomorrow!


If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to post them below or in the chat room.  Also, we'll be updating our official MN Bound LIVE Eagles Facebook Page regularly so you can follow along, like, or share with your friends.  We have several site moderators this year to help give optimal information to all that want to learn more about these magnificent birds.