Good Evening, Fellow NestResters!!
The week on the nest started cloudy, warm and restful. Breakfish was actually fish today with some nestover garnish. Mom and Dad worked on more nest renovations and went shopping for some knick-knacks to spruce the place up. Dad came back with some cornstalks and somehow a piece of what looked like cable or black coated copper wire. Chatters were wondering if he was going to make the turtle shell into a satellite dish. Also from somewhere some greenery appeared to add a bit of color to the nest. Mom continued to excavate the nest bowl and brought in more grasses to add to the carpeting already there. The kids would try to nap while this was going on and moved around the nest to get out of the way. Later in the day as the wind increased a little both Harmony and Peace tried out wingersizing and managed to bop each other a few times. Peace became impatient with the pace of the afternoon meal and did a little self feeding while Mom tore into some mystery meat. H&P spent most of the day napping and dreaming of the flights to come as they grow to be beautiful bald eagles. As evening fell a little rain dampened the nest but all was peaceful and the kids drifted off to sleep again.
As I type this I am also tracking the severe weather events that hit Oklahoma today. The tornado that hit Moore, OK has taken an awful toll on the city and rescue efforts are continuing into the night. I and all the mods and everyone associated with the nest wish only the best for the victims of this disaster. Our thoughts and prayers are with them.
On to the vids of the day.
Mom and Dad hold a nest building (or rebuilding) class.
MNBound Eaglets Nest Building 101
Harmony and Peace stretch their wings.
MNBound Eaglets Slaphappy Flapping
Peace tries the self-serve line.
MNBound Eaglets Thanks Mom, I Can Feed Myself
Some pics from the day
Hey Mom! Is breakfish ready?
Hey! Mom said I could!
So, you put them out like this and then what??
I gotta get that antenna fixed!
But I like it over here!
I don't think so, buster!
What's Dad doing now??
OK kids! Play nice!
I hope the week for you started well and that the rest of the week is just as good. Thanks to Razzle and BBC for the great pics again today!
Have good evening and we’ll see you on the nest tomorrow.
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to post them below or in the chat room. Also, we'll be updating our official MN Bound LIVE Eagles Facebook Page regularly so you can follow along, like, or share with your friends. We have several site moderators this year to help give optimal information to all that want to learn more about these magnificent birds.