Good Evening, Fellow NestReferees!!
The day started early with Harmony and Peace taking dawn flights (the best time to fly) and kicking around the nest playing with various items. As the morning progressed they would fly to various spots or hide out of camera view and squee for the pizza truck to drive faster. Around midafternoon a parent dropped off a day old fish that Peace grabbed and mantled after jumping down off the trunk. Harmony landed (a very nice landing) a few moments later and began stalking the fish. Peace tried to protect it but Harmony’s stealing skills were more than a match for her. They tussled and wrestled and Harmony finally gave Peace a nip to the head that scored her the prize. Harmony proceeded to nosh on the fish with a wary eye on Peace. Peace tried a couple of weak attempts at a stealback but Harmony rebuffed those easily. Finally Harmony’s appetite was sated and she let Peace steal the last two inches of the fish. Peace scarfed that down with a good tail swallow and went back up the tree to squee for more food. About 6pm a Parent (they come and go so fast now it’s tough to identify them) dropped off a fish and Peace made a clean grab. She got to eat it in peace (sorry) as Harmony’s crop was full and she wasn’t interested in contesting for it. Harmony went for a flying lesson and Peace filled her crop to the brim. The nest was fairly quiet as evening deepened and we saw the kids find their parking spots for the night.
On to the pics and vid of the day!
Harmony plays Top Dog and subdues Peace in the contest for food
MNBound Eagles Harmony Rules the Nest
And a selection of pics of the day
Don't yell at me, kid! I'm just the delivery boy!
Yo! Pizza guy! Hurry it up, will ya????
Tough to get a nap around here with Peace squeeing all the time!!
Peace needs more time in the simulator!
She's not quite as good as Harmon but she's close!!
We saw some interesting behavior on the nest today. The kids are growing up and becoming much more self-centered when it comes to food. The two cute little eaglets that we watched behave so nicely a couple of months ago are gone. They have been replaced by two juvie eagles that are learning to survive in the wild. It is the natural progression and it’s good to see they are taking the lessons to heart. Now, if only the cam wasn’t crippled and we could follow them as they fly! Oh well, there’s always next year!
A pan of the cam to Razzle and BBC as always for the great pics and vids today! Thanks!
Time to close this out and we’ll see you on the nest tomorrow!
P.S. Don’t forget the Like button, Please! ➘
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to post them below or in the chat room. Also, we'll be updating our official MN Bound LIVE Eagles Facebook Page regularly so you can follow along, like, or share with your friends. We have several site moderators this year to help give optimal information to all that want to learn more about these magnificent birds.