Good Evening, Fellow RiparianVoidWatchers!!
The day for Harmony and Peace started early with the two of them gamboling about the nest and looking for trouble. They had some stick play and did some branch bouncing. Eventually Peace found something she thought was semi-edible at the left corner of the nest and she perched over the side of the nest to nosh on it. Harmony just watched her for a bit and then resumed her play session. As Peace finished up it looked like she lost her grip and went for an impromptu flight. Later in the morning Mom showed up with a small snack (and I do mean small, it looked like a de-feathered bird, feet and all) and Peace was the first to reach the nest. She grabbed it and swallowed it whole! It took her a bit to get it down but she managed it. She did have a look on her face like “Gee, I can’t believe I ate the whole thing!” and frankly we couldn’t believe it either. But, she did learn another trick to keep food away from Harmony which is a good thing. The rest of the day they spent flying about and serenading us with squees from near and far. At dusk they returned to the nest and watched someone flying around out over the pond and the field behind the tree all the while squeeing up a storm. One of the adults landed up in the tree and they exchanged calls with the kids, probably telling them to git to bed. As darkness fell they were settled in for the night.
Sunday will mark the last of the daily blogs for this season. I will probably blog once a week for the next couple of months and do a retrospective of the season and also keep you up to date on plans for next season and any news about our wonderful family. It has been a pleasure doing the blogs for you and I look forward to next season when we can do it all again!
Saturday’s blog will be a goodbye blog from all of our current mods. Please don’t miss it!
On to the vid and pics of the day!
Peace learns a new trick again today and tries out for the circus
MNBound Eagles Peace Swallows Prey Whole
And a selection of pics of the day!
Now you know why Dad put the rails on the nest!
Hey Mom! I've got a new trick to show you!!
Maybe I'd better call the paramedics.....
The instructor says I fly better than you do!
Oh Yeah??? He says you land like a bag of cement!
You guys are STILL here?? Got any cheetos??
A swallow of the sword to Razzle and BBC for the fine pics and vids again today! Thanks!
Well, the season is winding down and the glimpses we get of the kids are precious! Hope you were there to see them all today!
We’ll see you on the nest tomorrow!
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to post them below or in the chat room. Also, we'll be updating our official MN Bound LIVE Eagles Facebook Page regularly so you can follow along, like, or share with your friends. We have several site moderators this year to help give optimal information to all that want to learn more about these magnificent birds.