Never let it be said that throwing the switch on something and turning it on for the world to see isn’t exciting! Today, at about 11:45am, the crew at BroadBand Corp flipped the switch on the MN Bound EagleCam and we began another journey into the unknown!
Welcome, one and all, to the 2014 Season of the MN Bound EagleCam. Word was spread far and wide that the cam was up and friends old and new dropped in to visit. Those that came right away were treated to Dad on the nest doing what he usually does when Mom isn't around, i.e. moving sticks and keeping watch. He looked healthy, vigorous and in great shape in spite of the brutally cold winter that has plagued the Upper Midwest this year.
Mom and Dad both made a visit to the nest about an hour later with her looking as hale and hearty as he. They shuffled the furniture and adjusted the rugs for a while and then went off to do some more shopping to get the nursery just as they wanted it. Mom returned late midafternoon with a fishcicle she got at a local takeaway. Dad returned just after looking to share it with her but she was in a bit of a snippy mood and rebuffed his advances on her meal. After a noshing most of it she did let him have a bite or two.
MNBound Eagles ~ Mine! Mine! Mine! 03-06-14
Thanks to Birdbrain56 for the vid!
They went off shopping again and that gave mods and chatters more time to get reacquainted and reminisce about past seasons and discuss future possibilities. We brought our new friends up to date on the lore of the nest and answered the myriad questions they had. It was like coming home to a very familiar place and finding it was just as you left it. Everyone had a very enjoyable day.
Around 6pm what looked to be a 3-4 year old juvenile Bald Eagle came to check out the nest, a very surprising development. We know juveniles have stopped by before as there was a vid made of one from the year Harmon was in the nest.That juvenile got to hang out for a while but our visitor today was given the bums’s rush by Dad after having only a very short time to look around. Mom followed Dad in and berated the juvie for having the temerity to drop without so much as a by-your-leave!
MN Bound Eagles 3-6-14 Juvie Get Escorted Off Nest
Thanks to dragonlainey for catching this action!
After that bit of excitement the Dynamic Duo settled in for a little more housecleaning and as darkness fell they retired to the low branch for the evening. But Talon, I hear you think, didn’t BBC install a new infrared light so we could see them at night?? Yes, BBC did install the IR light but in the rush to get the cam up today they neglected to hook up that one wire that makes it work. BBC has said they will run back out and do that as soon as they are able, hopefully before the weekend.
Well, our first day of the new season was exciting and filled with joy at seeing our old friends again. We hope for a productive and peaceful season that results in again seeing some new eagles take to the skies!
We’ll see you on the nest tomorrow!
A final vid for the day from dragonlainey.
MN Bound Sticks ~ Aerating ~ Scrapes ~ Beaking Evening 03-06-14
And some pics from the day!
I wonder if she remembered to get me lunch too?
Not over there, over here!
This looks like a good place to hang with my homies!
Oooops! Maybe not! He seems upset!
Thanks to LoveBirds for the pics of the juvie!
See you all tomorrow! Maybe an egg will show up, we are on eggwatch after all!
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to post them below. Also, we'll be updating our official MN Bound LIVE Eagles Facebook Page regularly so you can follow along, like, or share with your friends. We have several site moderators this year to help give optimal information to all that want to learn more about these magnificent birds.