We take a look into the upcoming 2008 Outdoor Amendment known better as "Clean Water, Land & Legacy Amendment." Saving Minnesota is the title.We examine the history of Minnesota, thewaters, wildlife, and the habitat.Aperspective from both sides of the argument that we hope willhelp you make a better decision comeelection day. More information can be found on some of these websites.
- Learn more about the amendment at Vote Yes MN
- Learn even more at Sportsmen Vote Yes - Protect the Minnesota You Love
- Is Your Lake Polluted? Go to the Check My Lake Website
- Getthe DNR'sinput on the Amendment
- A group called Sportsmen for a Change
- Protecting Our Great Natural Heritage at Audubon Minnesota
- National information on Conservation at the Nature Conservancy
Find out about the documentary film "Cry of the Marsh," by Bob Hartkopf.