60 degrees NE Wind 13mph
After several spectacular sunny warm days, today is a little cooler with a wind from the northeast. There is a forecast of rain in the next couple days. Rain which we badly need.
After not being seen much over the last couple days, the loons just spent about half an hour swimming around the nest and once again actually getting up on the nest for a few minutes. All of which is a very good sign that they are not only interested in the nest, but gradually taking ownership of it once again.
So, as always, hope springs eternal!
Is there a chance that they will once again use the nesting platform this year? Maintaining an unbroken string in using the platform every year for the last 7 years? We are so fortunate to have had such a consistent string of years of use. So many platforms or other nests have not had such a record of success. A record that we cannot take for granted. It is still up to the loons to decide whether they will use it again this year. We can only hope. And wait. And watch.
But for now, the signs are promising.
Today, the technical wizards have been here working on all the technical issues necessary to actually bring a live picture to you. We are still hoping that we will be able to do that in the next few days.
So stay tuned. And tell your friends and neighbors to join you in watching the loon cam! Until the camera is live, they can participate in the blog and the chatroom. And when it is live, share the camera with kids in your neighborhood and awaken in them the sense of wonder of nature. You can possibly change their lives and their outlook on nature and wildlife. And especially loons.
Comments or questions? Post them here or send to LoonCam@yahoo.com