44 degrees Partly Cloudy Wind E 4mph
The loons are swimming together all the way on the other side of the lake in the early morning dappled sun. The lake is relatively calm with just a few ripples. There are no boats on the lake yet.
But just when you think you have the loons figured out, they do something different!
This morning, they are swimming with a third loon!
There is no excited calling. There are no big fights. They seem to be getting along quite well.
Normally, at this time of year during the nesting/mating season, the loons are VERY territorial and will drive off any intruding loon. And this is usually accompanied by a lot of alarm calling and displays and actual fighting.
But that is not the case this morning. One can only wonder why?
Shortly before dark last night the same thing occurred. The neighbors let me know that there was a third loon with them. They said the pair had been near the nest when they started swimming out into the lake. Then they spotted a third loon. They expected to see a fight break out, but it did not.
As we observed them, there was some excited swimming and diving. But no fighting. No alarm calls. No calls of any kind. The pair definitely stayed together and you could tell which one was the lone loon. But the surprising thing was that there was no fighting, which we have observed time and time again when a third loon comes into the territory.
We even discussed whether this could be a chick from 3 years ago. But there is no way to tell and it is only speculation.
So as I said, just when you think you have them figured out, they do something different.
I know many of you have enjoyed having the cam back live again. Thank you for your kind comments.
As you have seen, the loons are gradually visiting the nest more and more. And they have continued to rearrange materials and build the nest. You can now start to see a "bowl" developingand they seem to be more and more satisfied with it.
I still feel that we are within days/to a week of them laying the first egg. Even when they are off the nest, they tend to spend more time in the general area. All of that is a very positive sign.
So continue to watch as this marvel, this miracle of nature unfolds before your eyes. And share the wonder of it with your family and friends. Especially share it with the kids in your life!
Comments, Questions or Observations? Leave them here or in the chat room or send them to LoonCam@yahoo.com