Saturday, May 22, 2010 12:06pm CDT


58 degrees   Raining   Windy


I just got home from the studio so I will take some time to catch up on what has been going on this morning.

Just now I heard several wails and a couple tremolo calls from out on the lake.

I cannot see anything that is of concern.  The loon on the nest seems to be doing fine.  I cannot see the other loon out on the lake that was calling.

I will take some time to get caught up on what has been happening this morning and maybe post later today.  Thank you to all of you for your faithfulness in posting what you see and keeping everyone up to date on what is happening.

Right now we are getting some much needed rain.  For the loon, that is no problem to be wet.  But there is some lightening and thunder around, too.  I don't think that they are predicting anything severe but this time of year it can develop quickly.

It is windy but once again the sensitivity of the microphone on the nest makes it sound much worse than it is.  Thankfully the whitecaps are on the other side of the lake and not hitting the loons or the nest here.

I will update you later.