70 degrees Light rain Calm
I realize that I left out one piece of important information in my posts yesterday as well as this morning. So here it is in answer to some of your questions.
When I put the egg back on the nest yesterday morning, I wanted to do it as quickly as possible so I had it in my hand only a matter of seconds. I could not take the time to examine it as much as I would like or to savor the moment. It was get it back on the nest quickly and get out of there.
It was much like when I did the loon rescue that I told you about.
So many times since then I have wished that I could have taken the time to ENJOY holding a beautiful loon. To look at every detail of it. To examine it in depth.
Unfortunately, I could not fully enjoy the experience since the focus was on getting the loon back in a lake as quickly as possible and with as little stress on it as possible!
I would love to have been able to appreciate the moment more! But given the priorities, I guess that speed and focus on getting the loon back in the water was the right one. But it doesn't lessen the desire to have completely looked at and learned more from that live loon.
Now, back to the egg.....what little I was able to see of it as I rolled it quickly in my hand as I rushed it back to the nest, I did not see any pips, holes, cracks or anything else that was indicative of it starting to hatch.
I did not feel any movement inside it nor did I hear any peeping coming from inside it.
I remember thinking that it felt 'light'. And that it seemed a little smaller than I had expected. But I have nothing to base that on. The only other time that I have had a loon egg in my hand is a couple years ago when we removed the egg from the nest so that the loons and the one chick could get on with their lives.
But this handling of the egg was so quick. There was not any time for any scientific observations or measurements. Speed was of the essence for both the eggs and the loon pair that was there.
Let me add one other piece of information that you may find interesting.
I mentioned that when one of the loons dived as I was backing away from the nest, I watched him as he came toward me. I was concerned about getting stabbed in the leg. I could see him underwater as he swam directly at me. But then he passed about 2 feet to the left of me. I could feel the water currents from his powerful paddling as he swam by me.
But he swam by me with no attempt to stab me that I could see. Then he made a turn underwater and came back up off to the left side of the nest and watched as I continued to back away.
What a privilege....and responsibility....to be near such magnificent birds!