12:00 Noon Wednesday, March 14, 2012

65 degrees F   Sunny   Calm
After a very mild winter, spring continues to be unusually mild as well.
After snowstorm of about 9 wet heavy inches of snow a couple weeks ago, most of that snow is melted.
The forecast for the next week is for very mild weather to continue, with 80 degrees F even being forecast for early next week.  But we will wait to see what happens.  
Minnesotans have an old saying, "Don't like the weather?  Wait for 5 minutes and it will change!"
The boys from all the high schools across the state have a State High School Basketball Tournament near the end of March.  It seems to be traditional that we get the "basketball tournament blizzard"!  So we will see what the next few weeks bring.
But spring inexorably "marches" on.
The first few daffodils have been poking there way up on the south side of the house.  Slowly but surely.  I think they are just sticking a hesitant toe out the door to see what is going on up above.  But there they are.  Green and alive.
Some of the crocuses are poking through as well but none have been brave enough to bloom yet.
Cardinals and chickadees are in their full spring song.
Flocks of geese are flying over.
Some seagulls circle overhead, their stark whiteness standing out against the deep blue sky.
The distinctive call of sandhill cranes can be heard as they make their way north.
I am not sure if our loons know how warm and mild it is here.
As of March 12, the USGS "satellite loons" were all still down on the Gulf.  http://www.umesc.usgs.gov/terrestrial/migratory_birds/loons/migrations.html
They apparently are not easily fooled by early spring signs.  And all the lakes are still locked in a prison of ice.  Although with these temperatures it will not take long for that ice to turn "rotten".
But for now, our loons remain in their winter homes down south.
I want to remind you and to invite you again to join me at the National Eagle Center on Sunday, April 1st for two workshops ... one at 1pm and one at 3pm.
It would be such a privilege to meet some of you who have been such faithful viewers of the LoonCam.  Bring your family for a spring outing along the bluffs of the Mississippi River Valley.  And a wonderful opportunity to see eagles up close and personal at the great National Eagle Center.  http://www.nationaleaglecenter.org/live-eagle-watching/march-31st-and-april-1st/
Bring your friends and family.
For those of you who are on Facebook (I am not), let people there know about the time at the Eagle Center.  Let them know that our loons will soon be back.
And then once again we will be able to see these amazing birds.
And hear that beautiful haunting call.
And we will know that we are in the "North Woods".
And that all is well with the world.