58 degrees F Clear Wind Calm
Sunrise 5:44 am CDT Sunset 8:35 pm CDT
It is a beautiful blue sky Minnesota morning with a bright yellow sun hanging in the eastern clear blue sky.
But already this morning our loons have had to deal with what they (rightly) see as danger.
At 7:02 am, the loon left the nest amid several wails.
As I went out to look to see what was wrong, a mature adult bald eagle flew out of one of the trees in my front yard and flew over to a neighbor's yard, where they will often sit.
The other loon came in and both of them sat out by the buoys. They seemed to be keeping track of where the eagle was.
Then both loons took off flying and circling the lake, all the while sounding their flying tremolos.
While they were flying, I thought this might be the perfect opportunity to wipe the spider webs and the trapped bugs off the lens of the camera. So I hurriedly went out to the nest and quickly wiped the camera lens.
As I was heading back to shore, both loons came flying over and landed some distance from the nest. They immediately started swimming toward the nest and came close. But they did not get on the nest. They seemed to be keeping an eye on the eagle down the shore.
Only then did I realize that I had been so focused on quickly wiping the lens and getting out of there, I did not even see the eggs! I did not even see the condition of anything else on the nest. Nothing.
I had only seen the camera!
At that point they loons had been off the nest for almost 40 minutes.
But they still did not get back up on the nest. Even though they stayed in the area close by.
Finally 1 hour and 9 minutes later the male got up on the nest and settled on the eggs.
I should know to trust the instinct of the loons.
But I have to admit that it always concerns me when they are off the nest for any extended period of time.
But for now, the eggs are safely tucked under the warmth of the male loon. He has been so faithful in his attention to the nest and the eggs. And so we have to trust his instinct.
And so for now, all we can is watch and wait. And learn.
And marvel at the miracle that is taking place before our very eyes.
Copyright 2017 Larry R Backlund