Beer Braised Shoulder (Venison, Elk, Lamb)


  • 1  shoulder of lamb/venison/elk
  • 1 each  large onion -- Large Dice
  • 2 each  Carrots -- peeled & large dice
  • 3 each  celery ribs -- 1 ' sliced
  • 3 each  vine ripe tomatoes -- grated
  • 2 tablespoons  Kosher salt
  • 2 teaspoons  cracked black pepper
  • 2 teaspoons  Dry thyme
  • 1 teaspoon  rubbed sage
  • 2 whole  bay leaf
  • 1 quart  water
  • 2 bottles  Beer  ( porter or Amber )
  • to taste  salt and pepper


  1. Combine salt, pepper, thyme and sage. rub liberally on lamb.
  2. Place in braising pan with mirepoix of vegetables. Pour liquid inot pan.
  3. add bay leaf and tomato.
  4. Cover pan with foil and braise @ 325 for approx. 3 hours until meat is falling off the bone tender. Remove meat from pan and strain liquid.
  5. While still warm pull and shred meat being sure to remove all bone and sinew. Place meat in a mixing bowl and combine with enough braising liquid to make it moist. Check for seasoning. Add salt and pepper as needed. Reserve any left over braising liquid to be reduced for sauce'.
  6. Wrap meat in plastic wrap and form into tight cylinders 3" wide. Seal cylinder by tying at both ends. Refrigerate, chill to below 40 degrees with in 2 hours.
  7. May be frozen at this point or served with in 6 days.