Good Evening, Fellow Eagle-A-Tarians!!
So much to talk about and only so many words left in this keyboard!
First off, Harmony and Peace came back to the nest late today to show the chatters and the mods that they had indeed fledged. Until we get ground confirmation (and we may never get it) we are saying they have fledged from their behavior. They were heard all over the tree today and even from very far away. They both seemed to fly in for their guest shot on the nest. After their appearance to calm the chatters Harmony flew off the nest and Peace rested up the trunk. And maybe over the next few days they will be in the nest more so we can tell for sure they have fledged. We wish them all the best as they begin this next phase in their lives of being the apex predators of the skies.
Second, the cam is indeed kaput as far as tilting goes. BBC believes the belt that drives the tilt is stripped and is unreliable. The pan mode is also very unreliable so the cam is parked for now on the nest. The good news is the zoom still works. It may be when BBC goes up the tree this fall they will find that the cam was knocked off kilter and setting it back to level will correct the problem. And then again they may find a new way to wow us with an even better cam and equipment although this year would be a tough act to follow. We thank them for their diligence and expertise in bringing us all the wonderful views we have had of this great eagle family again this year. Thanks, Broadband Corp!
And finally, the moment you have all been dreading. The cam will tentatively go off air for good on Sunday, July 28th. Thats means if circumstances warrant we will extend the viewing until we feel there is nothing left to see. I personally think Peace and Harmony will be off on their juvie adventures by then and the cam will shut down on time. But we shall see.
But Talon, you say, what about the blog?? Well, I’ll tell ya. I have not made a firm decision yet. It has been a long season (129 blogs so far plus great guest blogs, announcements, about a million words in the social stream + chat, and two worn out keyboards,) so a period of rest looks inviting. For something that was supposed to be an occasional thing it really turned into a labor of love and a chance to communicate with hundreds if not thousands of you that could not be in the Social Stream with us. I will miss doing this every day. I will miss the people that read it every day. I will miss watching our friends the eagles every day. But everything must come to an end to make way for something new and different. I will let you know here in the next couple of days when I will be ending the blog for this year. And maybe some news about plans for next year.
So on to the vid and pics of the day!
After teasing us all day with squees from different directions Harmony and Peace return to the nest for an evening guest appearance(that just happened to interrupt a mod meeting! Thanks, Harmony and Peace!)
MNBound Eagles Peace & Harmony Fly Home
And todays pic selection!
A bug does a crawl-by and excites the chatters!
Gotta get Dad to fix these rails!!
Wow! Look at that Social Stream move now!!
I meant to do that!!
I thought Mom said be home for dinner before dark???
Dude! Your landing spot is over there!!
I hope you enjoyed your day of listening for the kids and their cameo at the end of the day!
We’ll see you on the nest tomorrow!
P.S. Please, Don't forget the Like button! ➷
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to post them below or in the chat room. Also, we'll be updating our official MN Bound LIVE Eagles Facebook Page regularly so you can follow along, like, or share with your friends. We have several site moderators this year to help give optimal information to all that want to learn more about these magnificent birds.