Good Evening, Fellow EmptyNestWatchers!!
Yep, it was the morning after the Big Weekend. And I’m not talking about the 4th of July, either! The kids, in case you didn’t read yesterdays blog (you should it’s right down there ☟), have taken to cavorting all over the tree since they found out those those big appendages were for more than just flapping and cooling off. They both headed to the high spots and then pulled a disappearing act. This morning when the sun arose the nest was still empty and the cam was back in auto-pan mode although looking in different places than it had before. BBC has speculated that sometime in the night the eagles may have landed on the mount itself (not just the rails) and shifted the cam position. They have said they will try a couple of tricks to attempt to get good panning back. With this type of cam if they are not perfectly level the motors that drive the pan and tilt cannot work reliably and being off level will cause a change of view. Hopefully, BBC’s “tricks” will help the situation. If not, I sure am glad the eagles waited until now to knock it off kilter. Breakfish today was delivered by both parents albeit at slightly different times. One brought a fish that was left in the nest as bait for juvie eagles and the other brought an avian of some kind that went away with the parents. After a bit Harmony found the nest again and consumed the fish or what was left of it. She stuck around the nest most of the morning and was seen during different auto-pans at different spots like the low branch and the tree trunk. Peace, however, is a different story. She was not seen on cam all day today. She was heard squeeing at Harmony as H ate the fish and was possibly heard at different times and different volumes during the day. Peace was not seen on the cam at all today as far as we can determine. So she has possibly found a favorite spot in the tree and is tired of us watching her. Or she fledged and is in another tree. I am sure Mom and Dad know where she is and are feeding her and watching over her.
This is the time in every nest’s season when things become indeterminate for all of us. We cannot see them and thus we worry. Some want to have someone rush out there and make sure she’s alright. Some are content to wait and see. Some are proud of her for making the big leap to juviehood and some are sad that we may never see her again. The emotions run the full gamut and we all sympathize with each others feelings. All we can do now is let nature take its course. We have watched them from egg to four ounce hatchlings to clumsy midgraders to full grown juvies. It has been a fascinating journey these four and a half months! These are wild eagles and the best thing we can do for them is cheer them on and hope for the best. And we do wish them all the best! Please stay with us as we watch them (or try to) move out into the big wide world that is their heritage and destiny!
Chatters were wondering today when the cam was going to be shut down. That has not been set yet and will probably be determined this week. I will post it on the blog the moment I find out!
On to the vid and pics of the day!
Harmony and Peace played Scare The Chatters:Ultimate Edition today
MNBound Eagles First Day Away
And a selection of pics from the day!
Guess we banged up the cam when we landed on it last night!
Hope that thing doesn't fall on me!
And I used to think this was hard!!
Hey PEACE!! I ate your breakfish!! Again!!!
Here’s hoping BBC can get us back to the views we have enjoyed this season. And all praise and thanks to Razzle for another great day of vids and pics under very difficult conditions! Thanks!
Hope you had a great day on the nest and we’ll see you (or not LOL) tomorrow!
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to post them below or in the chat room. Also, we'll be updating our official MN Bound LIVE Eagles Facebook Page regularly so you can follow along, like, or share with your friends. We have several site moderators this year to help give optimal information to all that want to learn more about these magnificent birds.