Good Evening, Fellow NestMeditators!!
Saturday was calm and relaxed on the nest. The cam came back up about 1130 to a view of Harmony and Peace still slug-a-bed after staying up all night to watch the free lightning show that started after 1am. Harmony decided to get up a little while later to remind Mom and Dad that there were two hungry eagle offspring in the nest that needed a delivery. Alas the effort was in vain as no parent showed up with food. Peace stayed prone in the nest for quite a while, so long in fact that some chatters and some mods began to wonder if she was ailing. She was just being lazy it turns out and she eventually got up and found some well aged wing bones to gnaw on in place of a proper meal. After Peace finished with them Harmony came down and gave them a go, too. They both wandered around the tree and flew to nearby branches and trees in an effort to get to a spot where Mom and Dad could hear them better. They were heard squeeing from various distances all afternoon and into the evening. Around 20 minutes before sunset Peace returned to the nest with a new set of bones to chew on. Harmony landed a minute later and did her patented steal and got the bones for a late evening snack. After she quickly tired of those they were lost over the side and the kids did their pre-bedtime ramble about the tree. The wind picked up as the darkness fell and another lovely eagle day was done at the MN Bound nest.
On to the exclusive vid and pics of the day!
The bugs were bugging our beautiful Peace as she lay in the nest today
MNBound Eagles Gnats Bug Peace
And a selection of the days pics
I know we are eating them out of house and home but Mom really needs to buy new carpet!
Hey Peace! Maybe if we both yell they'll hear us better!
Hey Mom! You behind there??
Maxim said they wanted to see more "wing"?
Maybe they'll like this pose instead!
Hmmm... Graduate school sure ain't all it was cracked up to be!
A sip of the tropical drink (it was that kind of day) to Razzle and BBC as always for the wonderful pics and vid of the nest day! Thanks!
Well, I hope you had as tranquil a day as we had on the nest today and we’ll see you here tomorrow!
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to post them below or in the chat room. Also, we'll be updating our official MN Bound LIVE Eagles Facebook Page regularly so you can follow along, like, or share with your friends. We have several site moderators this year to help give optimal information to all that want to learn more about these magnificent birds.