Good Evening, Fellow NestPointillists!!
....With Harmony and Peace. The day was much like the day in the painting in that lots seemed to be happening but not much really was. Mom brought an appetizer for breakfish ( a small bird, we think) and it’s thought that Slick Talons Peace may have lost it over the side again. So Mom went shopping again and came back about 0930 with a relative of the nest intruder of a few weeks ago. Harmony took delivery this time and proceeded to de-fur and nosh on the raccoon. Peace arrived soon after it was delivered and tried for a steal that was rebuffed by Harmony. Peace gave it a few more attempts but they were not aggressive until they had a tug-o-war. Harmony won that one but soon after there was a bigger tug-o-war that Harmony won also. Peace finally made a steal and nibbled down what was left. The pelt lay in the nest for a half hour until Mom returned with a tasty fishy. Peace scored that and Mom consumed the leftover raccoon pelt. Harmony stole the fish (Surprise!) and Peace watched and waited until she was finished with it. Peace had fish brain salad for lunch and then it looked like she lost the skull overboard again. Should’ve named her Fumble Talons McGee. The good thing is they both had full crops after a morning of food deliveries by Mom. The kids played in the tree near the nest for a bit and then flew off to parts unknown for the rest of the day. As darkness fell a loud boom was heard and we could hear them return to the near vicinity of the nest. Things settled down after dark and all was quiet on the nest.
On to the pics and vids of the day!
The kids play tug-o-war with a cousin of the nest intruder
MNBound Eagles Mom Trades Fish for Raccoon
A blog exclusive vid- Peace shows her flying skills
MNBound Eagles Peace's Flight To & From the Nest
And a selection of pics of the day!
Hey! I'm sleeping here!
If we stretch this far enough we'll have a new rug!
I've got to work on these landings!!
I'm glad Harmony's not a crow!
Hey! I thought it was Greco-Roman rules today!!
GrandBaby Talon does lunch at the harbor
A stroke of the paintbrush to Razzle and BBC for the fine pics and vids today! Thanks!
Hope your Sunday was as pleasant as the one on the nest! Have a good start to your week and we’ll see you on the nest tomorrow!
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to post them below or in the chat room. Also, we'll be updating our official MN Bound LIVE Eagles Facebook Page regularly so you can follow along, like, or share with your friends. We have several site moderators this year to help give optimal information to all that want to learn more about these magnificent birds.